We take children from the age of 4.

No, as the teachers need to overview the whole class in the water, however there are helpers in Stage 1 groups

  • There is a maximum of eight per class in Stage 1 with assistants in the water
  • Stage 2 to Lower Stage 4 there is a maximum of six per class
  • Higher Stage 4 to Stage 10 (lane classes) there is a maximum of 8 per class

For girls an all in one costume, boys trunks (not shorts) and towel

Unless for medical reasons, we prefer the children don’t use goggles in Stage 1. They often find them uncomfortable at this age and have been known to ping them back on their faces. Initially learning to swim is for safety and they probably wouldn’t have their goggles if they were to fall into water out of a controlled environment.

It is not possible to swim strongly and efficiently on the front without the face in the water. This is a skill that a high majority of children find difficult but there are methods of teaching (through constructive play) in working towards achieving this.

No – these are structured lessons as in a class room.

Yes – we have a viewing gallery from where you can view the whole length of the pool however the only persons allowed on poolside is staff due to health & safety. You will have a member of staff available at every lesson who will go on poolside on your behalf if and when necessary.

Not at this moment in time but do anticipate ‘Crash Courses’ in the near future.

The hire time and staff requirement is calculated by the pupil intake on a termly basis – by payment of the term your child has a specific placement for the term which could not be filled on an add hoc basis.

The school premises are hired and have to be paid on a termly basis. Classes are adjusted by pupil capacity and costed as such – we do require a commitment by payment of term bookings at a time.

At the end of the proceeding term for the oncoming term.

Through Cash or Bank Transfer

No – our method of teaching is with swim belts.