Our courses are as per the Essex School Calendar (usually either 12 or 13 weeks) and we do break from half / end of term as per the schools.
Due to carrying out continuous assessments for our pupils and therefore continuous movement of classes, placements do become available at any part of the term of which we are able to intake new pupils.
All swim fees do require to be paid for the term or of that remaining till end of that term.

Please contact us for availability.
Please refer to the table below which will give an indication of what Stage your child may be looking to join us. From Stage 2 and above we will carry out an ‘in the water’ assessment as swim schools standards do vary according to the environment they are working in i.e. shallow / deep water.This article offers free shipping on qualified Face mask products, or buy online and pick up in store today at Medical Department
This class is aimed at children between 4 – 5 years who are new to swimming lessons or are not yet water confident e.g. unable to submerge their face confidently, float on their front and back unaided.
This class is aimed at children from 4yrs who new to swimming lessons but are water confident e.g. able to submerge their face confidently.
For children 4 years old and over who have Stage 1 and are water confident e.g. able to submerge their face confidently, float on their front and back unaided and paddle/kick a short distance unaided.
For children who have passed Stage 2 or able to travel 5 metres on both the front and back without the use of buoyancy aids, able to regain standing and blow bubbles into the water.
For children who have passed Stage 3 or are able to travel 10 metres on their front and back unaided with a basic technique. Confident to jump in and submerge under water and have experience in deep water.
For children who have passed Stage 4 or are able to kick 10 metres of front crawl, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly with good technique and swim 10 metres of a stroke.
For children who have passed Stage 5 or able to swim 10 metres of front crawl, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly with good technique and are able to confidently tread water and perform somersaults in the water.
For children who have passed Stage 6 or are able to swim 10 metres with clothes on, swim front crawl, breaststroke and butterfly with rhythmical breathing, swim 25 metres correct technique of at least 1 stroke, able to surface dive to the bottom of the pool, confident in deep water and able to swim with clothes on confidently.
For children who have passed Stage 7 or are able to swim 25 metres of front crawl, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly demonstrating correct technique, swim 100m using 3 different strokes.
Kids lessons
Tuesday evenings from 4pm until 7:30pm
Sunday morning from 8.30am until 11:30am
Adult lessons
Tuesday evening 7.30pm until 8pm – Half-term block bookings preferable
The following documents have been produced through the guidelines of ‘Wave Power’ issued by the Amateur Swimming Association as a correct method and ethos of running swimming lessons and club.
Please refer to these documents before paying for lessons. Payment for lessons indicates the policies and guidelines of The Swimming Academy will be adhered to.